Hundreds of millions of people around the world suffer from constant chronic pain. Although a significant part of this pain occurs due to already known diseases and conditions, such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic back pain, some people suffer from rare painful disorders.
Here are some of them!
1. Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD). This is a mysterious chronic disease characterized by burning pain and anomalies of sensory, motor and autonomic nervous systems. It causes pain, swelling and limitation of movements, most often in the limbs. Reflex sympathetic dystrophy can develop after an injury, for example, a bone fracture, but the severity of pain is disproportionate and continues even after recovery. Therapeutic treatment is often ineffective, and people with this disease suffer from terrible quality of life.
2. Erythromellia. This rare disease manifests itself in a feeling of burning pain and redness of the limbs, especially the feet. Symptoms can be episodic or continue over time. Although erythromellia most often affects both sides of the body, sometimes it can affect only one side. The true cause of erythromialgia is unknown. However, it is believed that this condition is the result of vasomotor problems or dysfunction of normal narrowing and expanding blood vessels, which causes improper bloodstream to the limbs.
3. Central pain syndrome. This is a neurological disease that causes damage or dysfunction of the central nervous system. It can cause paralyzing pain, sometimes burning, unbearable attacks of sharp pain and a feeling of “injection with a needle”. The syndrome can occur after a stroke, multiple sclerosis, tumor, epilepsy, brain injuries or Parkinson's disease. It can affect almost the whole body, but also only one specific area, for example, arms or legs. The pain that is felt is usually constant and intensifies from touch, movements, emotions and temperature changes.
The central pain syndrome often begins shortly after the injury, but can remain for months or even years, especially if it is associated with the pain that occurs after a stroke. The prescribed drugs can reduce pain, but do not eliminate it completely.
4. Neuralgia of the pharynx. A rare, painful ailment affects the linguistic nerve (terminal tongue -swinging nerve containing motor, sensory and parasympathetic fibers). This disease is characterized by pulsating tingling in the back of the pharynx, in the tongue and in the middle ear. Unbearable pain lasts from a few seconds to several minutes and can occur several times a day or only once every several weeks. People suffering from linguistic neuralgia connect the attacks of pain with certain factors, such as swallowing, drinking cold drinks, sneezing and coughing or purification of the throat. Although this type of pain can be caused by compression of the linguistic nerve, in some cases the reason is not obvious. from the beginning you seem that everything is not so easy and I will tell you, yes, it is not so easy, everything is much easier than you thought before, if you thought that the big money is earned by sweat and work, you were wrong my friend, a long time ago made a lot of money here and every day I see people getting huge jackpots here, I don't know about you, but I like that I have a daily chance to become very rich - a chance and a feeling that no one except online casino give you that chance.