Lavash rolls are becoming very popular now. After all, they combine sufficient ease in cooking, a huge selection of fillings. For example, they made a roll with caviar or red fish, you can cut it and put it on the festive table, an excellent snack. They did something simpler, a good snack, you can take a job. I want to give some examples of toppings for pita bread. A small nuance, for rolls it is better to use rectangular pita bread, round ones have to be cut. Use two pita breads, let's say the first pita bread is coated with a layer of mayonnaise with mayonnaise, covered with a second pita, the remaining mayonnaise is another filling. So it will not get wet, fall apart. And after cooking, wrap the roll in a film intended for food or cooking foil and keep it for about an hour in the refrigerator, more is better. But this is the case if you do not fry and bake the roll in the oven. Well, I kind of wrote everything. Cut preferably into pieces the size of three centimeters. It must be so that it was not only tasty, but also convenient.

1. On the first sheet of pita bread greased with mayonnaise, put the chopped Korean carrot. We cover with a second sheet of pita bread, spread with mayonnaise, evenly spread the mashed cheese and finely chopped ham or smoked sausage. As it should be packaged in film and in the refrigerator for impregnation.

2. For the first pita bread finely chopped crab sticks mixed with garlic and mayonnaise, the filling should not be liquid, but should also be well, evenly distributed over the pita bread. The second pita, the second layer. We make grated cheese mixed with mayonnaise and grated eggs on a coarse grater; you can sprinkle dill on top. Carefully wrap in cling film for foodstuffs and put it in the refrigerator in order to thoroughly soak the roll.

3. Mix the garlic with mayonnaise and grease the first pita bread, spread the chopped salad or Beijing cabbage on it. We close it with the second pita bread, put crushed canned fish mixed with a small amount of mayonnaise on the second sheet, almost any in oil will do, sprinkle with grated egg. Carefully wrap in cling film and place in the refrigerator for impregnation.

4. Apply mayonnaise to the initial layer and sprinkle with grated processed cheese. By the way, so that the cheese does not stick to the grater, soak it for several minutes in the freezer, cover it with a second pita bread. The next ingredient will be a cucumber grated on a coarse grater and chopped into small pieces of salmon. Distribute evenly over the entire area. We thoroughly wrap everything in cling film and a bed for impregnation in the refrigerator. Before serving, you can decorate slices of roll with red caviar.

5. We will have the first layer, mayonnaise and grated cheese, cover with pita bread and spread the crushed canned cod liver, distribute the grated eggs evenly, and fresh cucumber. Wrap tightly. In the film and in the refrigerator for impregnation.