The products that most often lead to the development of allergies include:

* cow's milk;

* cocoa products (chocolate, cocoa, candy);

* chicken eggs;

* seafood;

* mushrooms. It is strictly forbidden to use them to children under 2 years old. Most doctors recommend to enter them into the diet from 5-7 years;

* nuts;

* honey;

* fruits and vegetables with a bright color;

This type of allergy manifests itself most often in diathesis (atopic dermatitis), which is accompanied by redness and excessive dryness of the skin, rashes, itching and peeling. Vomiting, colic, constipation, or diarrhea may occur.

Respiratory allergy

It develops after contact of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract with small allergens.

These allergens are most often: dust mites, mold fungi spores, dust components, animal hair and saliva, plant pollen. The main symptoms of respiratory allergy are:

* heavy discharge from the nose;

* itching and burning in the nose;

* swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and eyelids;

* sneezing;

* headaches and general malaise.

Contact Allergies

Occurs after contact of the skin of the baby with an allergen. For example, synthetic clothing, a new laundry detergent or cream can cause an allergic reaction. Symptoms are various rashes, redness, peeling and itching. It is necessary to limit the contact of the child with the allergen and in the future to try to choose things for the baby from natural materials.

Drug allergy

It most often develops to different antibiotics, painkillers, B vitamins and drugs with a large number of sweeteners and flavors. Symptoms of this allergy can be varied, most often they are divided into three types. The first includes anaphylactic shock, acute urticaria, bronchial spasms and angioedema, which develop instantly or within one hour after contact with an allergen.

The second type is characterized by the appearance of symptoms during the first twenty-four hours after the antigen has entered the body. It manifests as fever, rash, thrombocytopenia and agranulocytosis.

The third type of symptom appears after a few days. It is characterized by the presence of vasculitis, lymphadenopathy, nephritis and allergic hepatitis.

Allergy Treatment in Children

The first thing to do is to eliminate the contact of the child with the allergen and consult a doctor. Having done the necessary tests, the doctor will help identify the allergen and prescribe an effective therapy. By delaying treatment, you put your child at risk for complications.

In order not to panic in vain, it is important to be able to distinguish the allergy of the baby from prickly heat in the infant.

Prickly heat occurs due to excessive sweating and insufficient air access to the skin. Most often this is due to the fact that the parents overly wrap the child and do not properly care for his skin. It manifests itself in the form of red spots and a rash on skin folds, back, arms and legs.

With proper hygienic care of the skin of the child, these manifestations disappear within 2-3 days. The main difference between allergies and prickly heat is that it can be localized on the face, while prickly heat will never appear there. There are differences in the form of the rash itself. Allergies are characterized by bubbles with liquid or bright red pimples. It has a smaller size and a more muted color. Viagra sur Internet achat Viagra