Sand is a loose rock of mountain origin, which includes a wide variety of mineral elements: quartz, mica, etc. During construction, almost all types of sand are used, but quarry is most popular because of the small amount of clay in its composition and reasonable cost.

Description and varieties of material

Sand of career origin is material that is actively used in various fields of industrial and some sectors of the national economy. Sand is distinguished depending on the minerals that prevail in the composition. There are several methods for extracting sand (they affect its quality):

• washing;

• sifting;

• open mining method.

Depending on the size of grains of sand, which varies from 2 to 5 mm, the breed can be coarse, medium and fine grained. When mining by open pit, it contains a significant amount of clay rocks, which makes the mortar more flexible and mobile.

Sand processing is also of great importance. Subdivided into:

• Seeded. To obtain such sand, screening is used, due to which larger particles and smaller stones are removed. This type of sand is used to create mortars and to mix plaster.

• Washed or washed. This type of sand is obtained by waterlogged deposits. Thanks to the method of producing sand, the result is a cleaned rock in which there are no impurities. Such sand is used in the manufacture of bricks and concrete products, as well as in other areas of industry and production.

• Sandy soil. The most profitable and easy in terms of production of sand, which contains a significant amount of various impurities. It is used to level the terrain, and trenches are also falling asleep to them.

Advantages and disadvantages

An important advantage of sand mined in quarries is its low price. Such sand is primarily of interest to large manufacturers and construction companies, as it can be used the way it is supplied.

Since there are many sand quarries, one can always find the ones closest to the construction site or enterprise and not overpay for delivery.

If we compare the quality of sand mined in quarries with river, the main difference will be the presence of clay in the first, which sometimes, in the case of construction, is very helpful. It is worth noting that river sand is more expensive than quarry. Free invite code wot eu 2020 for new players.