He lay down on the bed and looked at the ceiling, thinking about his situation. He still hoped that he would at least partially convince the twins or their parents that he was not who they thought he was. How to do it? Attempts to reason with them so far have always ended in failure, brothers and sisters still bet and do not accept explanations. "Relax, you remember everything at home," they said every time. The second option is to start behaving the way Henry should do. The biggest problem was that Marcin had never known anyone with that name, especially since he wasn't.
His thoughts were constantly interrupted by fatigue and finally gave a hug to Morpheus. The warm, soft bed was much more comfortable than the stuffy interior of the van.


He had a nightmare. He was standing in the hallway, at first glance similar to the one that led to his bedroom. However, the sleepy tunnel was much wider, and light bulbs hung neatly from the ceiling every few meters, dispelling the darkness. At the end of the corridor, Marcin saw the brothers standing and holding hands. He heard Alexander humming softly, just like in the car when they were waiting at the gas station.
The twins weren't getting any closer. They stood with their eyes turned into space. In the distance, Marcin noticed an approaching black mass. No, not a black Scarlet. It was blood. He turned away in fright and tried to run away from the approaching tide, but could not escape. He shuffled his legs, but they refused to obey and still remained in the same place. It took no more than a minute before he felt the flood pouring into his mouth, leaving an unpleasant metallic aftertaste.


He woke up sweating, barely remembering what he was dreaming about. How long had he been asleep? An hour? More? He reached over his neck, but quickly remembered that the medallion had been taken. The phobia had returned, and the nightmare was proof that she had regained the strength she had lost in the long battle with the Martian. He couldn't remember any details about the dream. On his head was an association with a scene from a certain horror movie that he had once watched. Although he couldn't remember the nightmare, the feeling of terror wouldn't leave him for a single step for the next few minutes. He was lying staring at the ceiling, trying to calm his broken nerves, when he heard footsteps at the door. He looked there when he turned the key. Alan entered the room.
- Is everything all right? Did you sleep well, Henry? He asked, smiling as usual.
"Marcin," the psychologist corrected him, choosing a new tactic.
The twin frowned, looking at him questioningly.
"Are you sure?
" Yes," he replied with conviction.
- It's all right. A pleasant smile disappeared from his mouth, and his face froze, expressing some vague emotions. He put the psychologist in a wheelchair and went back down the corridor to the stairs. Later, a dining room located next to the living room is connected downstairs and to the kitchen. Alan didn't say a word during the entire trip, and his movements towards Marcin were still gentle. On the face, however, there were not the same pleasant emotions. Amateur Porn amateurest.com USA.