Violetta "Santo Maria" Sanchez

Violetta "Santo Maria" Sanchez is responsible for the morale of the Los Muertos team. Her brothel provides a permanent influx of new gang members. The elimination of Violetta will certainly undermine the desire to fight and reduce the number of new Los Muertos.

When you get to the building, a group of enemies will attack you. Kill them using grenades and reliable "fireflock". After clearing the surroundings, inspect the buildings nearby, and you will find what is shown in the picture below.

Drummage through the fence, pick up this building and you will find yourself not far from Violetta Sanchez. If you play well, you will be able to surprise her. You just need to go from an orange building to Blue and from there, focusing on the radar, get to her shelter. The fastest way to get rid of Sanchez is to knock her down from the legs and finish against several kicks.

Jose Herra

José Gerra is the owner of the popular nightclub, but this is just a cover for drug trafficking. The destruction of this boss will eliminate the addicts of Los Muertos from the source of their drugs. In the process, they will become weaker and less effective.

It is not difficult to guess that Gerra in his club. Depending on where you will attack, the agent, your goal will retreat to another position. We offer to attack in front so that you can catch it in the parking lot.

But before starting the offensive, concentrate on eliminating guards, patrolling the club. A comfortable place for this is the Agency's Supply Point called Royal Vista. You will have a beautiful view, and the warehouse located nearby will provide you with new ammunition.

As soon as you understand that the sherra's personal army is sufficiently destroyed, proceed to the main attack. Run around the club and take it in front. Destroy groups of enemies with a grenade. Then take the rocket and go to the main gate of the building.

Inside climb upstairs and clean the territory by killing all the enemies who came running. In the back of the building go down to the sea. On the way you will find parking. Gerra hides there with his bodyguards. The elimination of them should not be a problem for you, especially when all these cars are willing to explode.


Our sources report that there is an opportunity to get an additional reward. After killing the herra, raise his corpse, leave the parking lot and climb the staircase. Stand on the platform located above the sea, and throw the body into the water. We guarantee that you will be satisfied with the result. Let's talk honestly, you always thought that you would be rich and now you know something went wrong, so in order for everything to go exactly as it should, I offer you a great way that you like exactly for the future, this method will help you well and will definitely be the best if you ever thought about making money sitting at home, so if you were looking for a way, now you have it, come in and earn right here and now.